"I'm mad as h--- and I'm
not going to take this any more!" -- Network
"Ha ha ha. That's not a knife.
[Draws his.] *That's* a
"Insanity runs in my family... It practically gallops." -- Arsenic and Old Lace "That's funny, that plane's dustin' crops where there ain't no crops." -- North by Northwest "The course of true love..."
"Now it isn't that I don't like you, Susan, because, after all, in moments of quiet, I'm strangely drawn toward you, but - well, there haven't been any quiet moments." -- Bringing Up Baby "American millionaires must be all quite mad. Perhaps it's something they put in the ink when they print the money." -- How to Steal a Million "Bonjour, mesdames et monsiuers. Yesterday we have learned the correct way how to boil water. Today we will learn the correct way how to crack an egg. Voila! An egg. Now, an egg is not a stone; it is not made of wood, it is a living thing. It has a heart. So when we crack it, we must not torment it. We must be merciful and execute it quickly, like with the guillotine." -- Sabrina "You don't have to act with me, Steve. You don't have to say anything and you don't have to do anything. Oh, maybe just whistle. You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and... blow." -- To Have and Have Not "You don't like it, do you Rocco, the storm? Show it your gun, why don't you? If it doesn't stop, shoot it." -- Key Largo "Only by interrogating the other passengers could I hope to see the light, but when I began to question them, the light, as Macbeth would have said, thickened." -- Hercule Poirot, Murder on the Orient Express Beddoes: Oh, yes, sir, the
Italian gentleman.
I'll be back! -- The Terminator To be or not to be? Not to be. -- Last Action Hero Nick: There are lots of things
worse than movies: politicians, wars, forest fires, famine, plague, sickness,
pain, whores, politicians...
Hasta la vista, baby. -- Terminator 2 Thank you for the cookies. I look forward to tossing them. -- Twins Dave Bowman: Open the pod
bay doors, HAL.
Julianne: I'm pond scum. Well,
lower actually. I'm like the fungus that feeds on pond scum.
"Dance with the devil, the
devil don't change, the devil changes you." -- 8 mm
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