"I want a knob on the TV that turns up the intelligence - there's a "Brightness" knob, but it doesn't work..." |
I believe that one's maturity level matters a great deal when determining what is appropriate to view, whether on TV or at the movies. Not all these programs are suitable for children or teens, so exercise judgment. Specifically, I don't let my 16-year-old watch the first two, and have only recently let her start watching the last one. All the others are fine for teens. You may have different criteria than I do for suitability; these are simply my top choices. |
Yes, this is my favorite TV show ... and with a few notable exceptions, the violence and grossness are not as bad as the previews would lead you to believe. In general, the episodes are intriguing, thought provoking, and intelligent; and Mulder and Scully demonstrate admirable qualities of character -- loyalty, an openness to believe the unbelievable, a common bond of Platonic love, and a sincere desire to learn the truth. Yes, Mulder, the Truth IS out there! |
This show does have a lot
of violence; also, a fair amount of sex, although it is always treated
as a serious issue and never taken lightly. Nevertheless, Nikita
continues to demonstrate that even the worst of circumstances cannot kill
her basic humanity, her concern for others' suffering, and her undying
belief that the ends do not justify the means ... and besides, the leads
are just so gorgeous!
Okay, so this is a teeny-bopper
show ... but adults are allowed to watch it, too! It's kind of a
cross between X-Files and Dawson's Creek, but unlike those ( and La Femme
Nikita ), this one is actually okay for teenagers to watch! There
is a certain level of sexual tension, but then, that's just real life.
The rest is not real life -- alien teenagers and their human compatriots
-- but, throughout, the characters demonstrate valuable character traits,
like loyalty, concern for each other's welfare, trust in each other, and
a desire to learn the truth about their heritage, regardless of how painful
that truth may turn out to be. They are not always honest, especially
when it comes to hiding their identities, but they do all they can to be
true to each other ...
This is a peculiarly heart-warming show. The main character, Frank, is extremely likable, and totally wacko. But despite his excesses, he is devoted to Olga, and frequently demonstrates a willingness to lay down his life for others ( especially Olga ). Although the plot involves him going back in time -- seven days -- to avert cataclysmic disasters of one sort or another, he has been heard to question whether humans really have the right to change history in this way. He has wondered if they aren't interfering in Someone Else's domain... |
This show is NOT high on honesty ... Jarod pretends to be someone and something he is not, a different someone and something in each episode. He poses as a pilot, a firefighter, even a physician. Yet throughout he is searching for his parents, trying to regain a sense of family that was stolen from him in his childhood. And along the way, he not only attempts to bring healing to total strangers with whom he empathizes with an excess of human compassion, he also seeks to bring healing to those who would capture him and return him to his cage. Good qualities, good motivations, and a good heart ... looking only to be renewed by an encounter with the True Physician. |
Well, this one goes without saying ... and requires me to say nothing in its defense. Although characters often die, they know where they are going ... It is perhaps a little tearful for the most sensitive viewers, but it always has a point, and that point is always bathed in the wash of God's love, which is, of course, the Whole Point anyway. |
Although this is a new show, it has gotten off to a wonderful start. For those of you who don't know, a happily-married man dies at the beginning of the series, and his brain is implanted in a synthetic body, part of a secret, experimental, governmental project to produce the perfect soldier. He is not allowed to have any contact with his "former" wife and daughter ... yet he loves them relentlessly, and maintains his loyalty and love despite all the circumstances put in his way. He repeatedly demonstrates commitment, devotion, and deep concern, and refuses to allow governmental manipulation to alter his love for his family. Definitely an example of true character, and amazingly entertaining as well! |
Yes, I do like some humor occasionally, and this is a particularly enduring comedy. We have watched Corrie and Topanga since they were in fifth grade, and they have been true to each other ( more or less ) throughout the series. They have demonstrated the qualities of loyalty, commitment, and ( believe it or not ) abstinence, despite all the rest of the world ( or at least all the rest of the sitcoms ) telling kids that this is just not reasonable in our world today. And now they're married ... see, it can work! Besides all this, the show is hilariously funny, with a cast of supporting characters worthy of several shows of their own. They are all loyal friends and family, and funny, too! |
There is no way I can justify
the sexual ( mis )conduct of the characters on this show, and some of the
themes are just plain unfit for family viewing. Nevertheless, the
show is side-splittingly funny, the characters are all master comedians,
and the themes, if you can stop laughing to think about them, are often
deeply revealing of the human condition. It was a uniquely inciteful
idea to make a show which examines human behavior from a totally alien
perspective; it reveals how little sense some of our customs make, how
silly we often are, and how truly bizarre we must look to those who watch
us from afar ...
I have many other "favorite"
TV shows ... the above are just my very favorite. I also faithfully
watch or have watched all the Star
series, First Wave, Sliders,
Babylon 5, Farscape, Stargate SG-1, VR.5, Earth 2 , Earth: Final Conflict, V, Millennium, The Outer Limits, The Burning Zone , The Sentinel, Prey, Dark Skies, Total Recall 2070, The Invisible Man, and many other sci-fi series past and present ... and hopefully future as well. |
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