Alphabetical, by artist |
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Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema: "The Year's At the Spring" "The Roses of Hegiogabalus" "Sappho and Alcaeus" "A Difference of Opinion" "The Finding of Moses" Arte Nativo Huichol del Estado de Nayarit: Two Three |
Feu Barye: Hieronymus Bosch: Sandro Botticelli: "The Mystical Nativity" "The Birth of Venus" "The Annunciation" "Primavera" William-Adolphe Bouguereau: "A Soul Brought to Heaven, Two" "The Proposal" "Art and Literature" "The Dance" "The Song of the Angels" "The Abduction of Psyche" "The First Kiss" "The Annunciation" "Work Interrupted" (this page) Sebastien Bourdon: Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones: "The Golden Stairs" "The Morning of the Resurrection" "The Angel" "The Star of Bethlehem" |
Caravaggio: "The Concert" Lewis Carroll: Mickie Caspie: from the 2001 Jewish Art Calendar: "September" "March" "April" "Seeds" "November" "Greene" "February" Marc Chagall: "The White Crucifixion" "The Dance" "Exodus, One" "Exodus, Two" "The Parting of the Red Sea" "The Fiddler" "White Crucifixion 2" "War" "Daniel" Mark Chandler: Cherished Teddies, Nativity Series: One Two Three Four "The Jewish Festivals -- Pesach -- Seder" "The Jewish Festivals -- Sabbath" "The Jewish Festivals -- Shavuos" "The Jewish Festivals -- Yom Kippur" "Shavuot -- The Giving of the Torah" John Collier: Piero di Cosimo: Pierre Auguste Cot: "Springtime" Kinuko Craft: |
Leonardo da Vinci: "Angel Rose" "Carried Away" "Angel Rose Two" Tamara de Lempicka: Evelyn de Morgan: Edgar Degas: Paul Delaroche: Etheline E. Dell: Sir Frank Bernard Dicksee: "The Two Crowns" "Romeo and Juliet" "Chivalry" Background Illustrations on: Alice: Intro Alice One AliceTwo "Mary Poppins" Gustave Dore: "Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Two" "Jesus" Herbet James Draper: "Ulysses and the Sirens" Edmund Dulac: John Duncan: "The Adoration of the Magi" "St. Bride" Albrecht Durer: "Apocalypse: Riders of the 4 Horses" "The Adoration of the Lamb: Hymn to the Chosen" Anthony van Dyck:
Keisai Eisen "Still Life with Spherical Mirror" "Hand with Reflecting Globe" Sir John Everett:
"Boann, the Cow Goddess" "Cu Chulainn" "The Magic Cup" "Twelve Wild Geese" "Conan of the Fianna" "Fathac, Poet of the Firbolg" "Aille" "The Shining Path" "Saint Mark" "Palu, the Cat Goddess" "The Dread Transformation of Senach the Spectre" "BirdBain" "Diarmuid and Grianne" R. Douglas Frederick: "Untitled,One" "Untitled, Two" from Labyrinth "The Green Man" |
Thomas Gainesborough: Paul Gaugin: Jean-Leon Gerome: "Untitled, Two" "Angels" John William Godward: "The Favorite" "Noonday Rest" "Tigerskin" "The Betrothed" Vincent Van Gogh: |
John William Hennessey: Edward Hicks: "Noah's Ark" Utagawa Hiroshige: Gwynedd Hudson: Alice One Alice Two Henry J. Hudson: Arthur Hughes: Edward R. Hughes: "The Shrew Katherina" "Oh, What's That in the Hollow?" William Holman Hunt: "The Light of the World"
A.E. Jackson: Alice One Alice Two "Tweedledum and Tweedledee" |
Kimhi's Compendium. MS. Kennicott 1, Spain, 1476: "An Army of Cats Storming a Castle Defended by Mice" folio 8 verso: "Arabesques of Birds and Animals" Gustav Klimt: "Expectation" "Farm Garden with Sunflowers" |
"Women of the Bible" Edmund Blair Leighton: Frederick Lord Leighton: "Cymon and Iphigenia" "Flaming June" "The Music Lesson" Tamara de Lempicka: "Kizette on the Balcony" "Girl with Gloves"
Rene Magritte: Henri Matisse: "Moshe coming from Sinai" "Yochanan behold's the Aleph and Tav" Michelangelo: "David and Goliath" Sir John Everett Millais: Albert J. Moore: Evelyn de Morgan: William Morris: "Daisy" "Untitled" "The Strawberry Thief" from The Wood Beyond the World "Peaches" "Artichoke" "Cactus Encounter" "X, Y and Tumbledown Z " "The Estimated Size of Heaven" "The Moon's the North Wind's Cookie" Alphonse Maria Mucha: "The Twelve Months: November" "Lefevre-Utile" from "The Judgment of Paris" "The Slav Epic" (poster) "Muse" |
N.S.C.: |
Maxfield Parrish "Daybreak" "Lute Players" Charles E. Perugini: "Title Unknown" Beatrix Potter: Nicolas Poussin: |
Arthur Rackham: Illustrations on: Alice One Alice Two Raichle: "Untitled, One" "Amy" "Amy 2" "Untitled,Two" "Lion of Judah" "Lion of Judah" "Untitled, Three" "Untitled, Four" "Untitled, Five" "Untitled, Six" "Untitled, Seven" "Untitled, Eight" "Ducks on a Pond" sketch: "Untitled" Raphael: "The Transfiguration" "The Vision of Ezekiel" "The Entombment" "The Nymph Galatea" "The School of Athens" "The Prophet Isaiah" "The Miraculous Draught of Fishes" Rembrandt: "Jeremiah" Rick: Diego Rivera: "The Maize Festival" "Festival de las Flores" Norman Rockwell: "Summertime" Dante Gabriel Rossetti: "The Beloved" "Joan of Arc Kisses the Sword of Liberation" Henri Rousseau: Peter Paul Rubens (probably): |
Sarah: "Palace" Pencil drawing based on Reiko Shimitsu's "Ace of Cups" Negative of pencil drawing, based on Reiko Shimitsu's "Ace of Cups" "Ruri" Georges Seurat: "The Seine at La Grande Jatte" Thomas Ralph Spence: John Melhuish Strudwick: "The Music of a Bygone Age" "Evensong" "When Apples Were Golden and Songs Were Sweet, but Summer Had Passed Away" "My Beloved Has Gone Down to His Garden" "An Angel" Arthur Szyk: Library of Congress "Passover Table" "The Parting of the Red Sea" "The Search for Leaven" "The Rescue of the Infant Moses" "The Four Sons" "The Exodus" "Moses in Battle with the Amalekites"
John Tenniel: Alice Intro Alice One Alice Two Louis Comfort Tiffany: "Rainbow" "Fawn" "The Last Supper" "The Tree of Life" Titian: Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec: poster: "The Moulin Rouge" "The Creation of a Star" J. M. W. Turner: |
Although I have done my best to locate and request permission to use all the works of art on my pages (except for those in the public domain, which are not copyright), some paintings, photographs, and illustrations were uncredited when I found them and I am unable to identify the artists. I am listing them as "artist" or "photographer unknown." If you recognize any of these pictures, please let me know so that I can obtain proper permission to use them on my site. Thanks! artist unknown: "Baby Angel" "Fairy Woods" "Animal Puzzle One" "Animal Puzzle Two" "Animal Puzzle Three" "Minotaur" "Celtic Tree of Life" "Untitled Thai design" "Angel Wings" "Megillah" photographer unknown: "Snowy Woods" "Horse-drawn Carriage" "Forest Primeval" "Night Storm" "Arctic Sunset" "Daffodils" "Ukrainian Eggs" "Ukrainian Eggs Two" |
Anthony van Dyck: Vincent Van Gogh: "Garden of Irises" "Mad Tea Party" Elihu Vedder: Jan Vermeer: "Christ in the House of Mary and Martha" Leonardo da Vinci: |
"Spirit of Flight" "Spirit of Flight" "Winter Dreaming" "The Enchanted Crystal" Background Illustrations on: Alice Intro Alice One Alice Two "Mary Poppins" Colonel Charles Waterhouse: John William Waterhouse: "Hylas and the Nymphs" "La Belle Dame sans Merci" "My Sweet Rose" "The Lady of Shallot" "Tales from the Decameron" "Windflower" Frederick J. Waugh: James Abbott McNeill Whistler: Sulamith Wülfing: |
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( 1 ) public domain paintings by long-dead artists, available for you to copy ( 2 ) copyrighted material, identified by the © symbol, used by permission and not to be copied Please respect the artists' wishes (and legal rights) and do not save or use copyrighted material without first obtaining the artist's permission |